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Mock Peer Review - Save the Date

Posted 26 days ago by Crystal Brewer in Education

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We've all heard about Peer Reviews, but have you ever wondered what actually happens during one?

Witness and participate in a Mock Peer Review with TNA District 5 on April 8th from 6-8pm. 

According to American Nurses Association, 

"Peer review is defined as "an organized effort whereby practicing professionals review the quality and appropriateness of services ordered or performed by their professional peers." In nursing, it is the “process by which practicing registered nurses systematically assess, monitor, and make judgments about the quality of nursing care provided by peers as measured against professional standards of practice.” The focus of peer review is practice. It is the mechanism used to:

  • Evaluate the quality and quantity of nursing care based on practice standards.
  • Determine the strengths and weaknesses of nursing care based on practice standards.
  • Provide evidence for change in practice protocols to improve care.
  • Identify practice patterns that indicate a need for more knowledge.3

Peer review is not intended to be punitive or anonymous. In addition to considering the rank of the nurse and nursing practice, it is intended to take into account the developmental stage of the nurse, to foster a continuous learning culture of patient safety and best practice, and to provide feedback that is continuous, timely, and routine" (Foster, 2015). 

Stay tuned for more information on registering! 

Foster, R. (2015, April). Peer Review Tip: Distinguishing the Difference Between Peer Review, Peer Evaluation, and Peer Feedback.